Встречаем очередную версию "неофициальной" Доты (как ее прозвали энтузиасты), сделанную автором с ником DracoL1ch. Карта хоть неофициальная, но судя по тому, сколько ее версий уже выпустил DracoL1ch и судя по отзывам пользователей руку он уже себе на изготовлении карт Доты уже "набил". Глядишь, так скоро в искусстве картостроения и самого Айсфрога переплюнет. Может после этого люди из Доты 2 снова в первую Доту возвращаться начнут.
Fixed fatal error with Syllabear
Fixed fatal error with Winter Wyvern
Fixed issues with Alchemist morph causing it’s malfunction sometimes
Fixed Shadow Demon’s Aghanim didn’t improve it’s ultimate
Circle of Power can no longer sell consumables
Fixed Spiritbreaker issues with item usage while Charging
Fixed Land mines blowing on corpses
Fixed Shrapnel incorrect recharge time for the very first charge
Fixed Skeleton Walk gave 11% more movespeed than should
Fixed Song of the Siren affects Roshan
Fixed a few typos
What is Legends of DotA? (LoD):
Legends of DotA, or in short, LoD, is a DotA modification. It allows you to pick and mix skillsfrom the original DotA map as you like. You can pick almost every combination you can think of, there are almost no limits - you can create new heroes within a few clicks and play with them!
Ever imagined playing a hero with over 900 range? Just pick Sniper's Take Aim and Lanaya's Psi Blades and you're good to go! There are countless possibilities!
What is Legends of DotA? (LoD):
Legends of DotA, or in short, LoD, is a DotA modification. It allows you to pick and mix skillsfrom the original DotA map as you like. You can pick almost every combination you can think of, there are almost no limits - you can create new heroes within a few clicks and play with them!
Ever imagined playing a hero with over 900 range? Just pick Sniper's Take Aim and Lanaya's Psi Blades and you're good to go! There are countless possibilities!
Fixed fatal error if Duel ends while one of participants cannot be attacked
Fixed bug with buying items while allied courier being dead
Fixed incorrect selling cost for consumables when sold via Circle of Power
Fixed rare bug with infinity duration of Borrowed Time
Fixed Toss could pick Roshan as a projectile
Fixed Shackleshot didn’t granted assist
Fixed rare case when Aghanim’d Chakram being restored via dropping Aghanim and running away
Fixed issues with Gem visuals
Fixed buyback texts
Removed Tempest Double’s duration bar due to issues with Manta Style
What is Legends of DotA? (LoD):
Legends of DotA, or in short, LoD, is a DotA modification. It allows you to pick and mix skillsfrom the original DotA map as you like. You can pick almost every combination you can think of, there are almost no limits - you can create new heroes within a few clicks and play with them!
Ever imagined playing a hero with over 900 range? Just pick Sniper's Take Aim and Lanaya's Psi Blades and you're good to go! There are countless possibilities!
Fixed Boulder Smash pushing hero himself
Fixed Rolling Boulder slow debuff icon
Enchanted Remnant can no longer target magic immune enemies
Fixed Boulder Smash using angle between the Rock and target point instead of between the hero and target point