Description: This is a evil master summoner i made from the Acolyte model. -Uses no custom skins -Has a attached camera -Uses Blood Mage and Jaina anims (wich looks little wierd at some times)
(It is kinda small so use a scaling about 1.15)
Give credits if used in your map/campaign
EDIT: Made shoulders little smaller and changed Spell anim to Jainas Spell anim. Also made a looping Spell anim for Spell Channel. Changed name to Dark Summoner insted of Master Summoner.
EDIT 2: Gave him Jaina Death and Dissipate anims ~pandarian~
Textures: None
Please give me credit for my work Do not redistribute this model without consent!
Модели | Просмотров:1577 | Загрузок:136 | Добавил:Dr-Thrax | Дата:31 Декабря 2019
Name: Dark Priest Author Model: Venomous Author Skin: Venomous E-mail: ? Date Added: 7/13/04 Rating: 9/10 Needs a portrait Size of File: 695 KB Description: The files are very large 695. I'd say campaign only. It looks pretty cool you could edit it so you can use it on the regular Spell Breaker.
Path: Add the skin to these paths units\undead\darkpriest\darkpriest.blp DarkPriest.mdx
Модели | Просмотров:1716 | Загрузок:126 | Добавил:Dr-Thrax | Дата:31 Декабря 2019